Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
Monday 6 May 2013


     The Breast Cancer Campaign is one of the examples for the Awareness Campaign. This type of campaign requires one development phase which can refers to a problem or a main theme. Breast cancer awareness is an effort that aims to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer through education on symptoms and treatment. The campaign organizers hope that through giving a greater knowledge will encourage people to get prevention and earlier detection of breast cancer as well as permanent cure. Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign advocates also raise funds to give women better care, more knowledge on breast cancer and more empowerment to patients. The organizers may also conduct educational campaigns or provide free services such as free medical checkup for women. The pink ribbon is the most prominent symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. In many countries, the month of October is also declared as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Brief History of Breast Cancer

     3,500 years ago, Ancient Egyptians described bulging tumors of the breast has no cure. In 460 B.C., the father of Western Medicine, Hippocrates suggested that this cancer was caused by the excess of black bile and surgery is dangerous.  In the 17th & 18th Century, physicians began argued that its origin were due to without regular sexual activity, breast started to decay, or practicing “vigorous” sex. Other theories included blaming curdled milk, pus-filled inflammations in the breast, depressive mental disorders, childlessness, and yet others blaming sedentary lifestyle. 

Breast lumps

     In the 19th and 20th Century, William Halstead of New York developed radical mastectomy to prevent spread of the cancer. It helped women survive longer and to ease the pain of diseased breasts. Many women did not choose it since it left them disfigured, deformed chest wall, lymphedema or swelling in the arm. By 1995, hormone treatments, surgeries and biological therapies have developed. Mammography was also developed for early detection of the breast cancer.

    Then, they found that, breast cancer usually starts off in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. A common breast cancer that developed from the ducts are called ductal carcinoma, while the less common breast cancer that started off in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma. 

     Perhaps it is because the breast holds such cultural power and expectations for women which are nurturing and sexual obligations so that the breast cancer considered being a taboo and embarrassment by many to openly discuss this disease. 

The Begins of Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

     Breast cancer has been actively bringing out into the open because of the involvement of more women. The breast cancer movement, which developed in the 1980s and 1990s out of 20th century feminist movements and the women's health movement, has mostly removed those taboos through its modern advocacy and awareness campaigns. Many events were carried out to create awareness of the breast cancer including National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) which is an annual international health campaign organized in October, walks and runs, and the pink illumination of landmark buildings.  

Pink illumination of landmark buildings
    Since the success of breast cancer activism in the 1990s, the symbol of breast cancer which is the pink ribbon has brought out a revolution against this cancer. Each year, the month of October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by many governments, the media, and cancer survivors. The month-long campaign has been called Pinktober because of the increased production of pink goods for sale.

The Campaign 

     Breast cancer is threatening over a million people a year worldwide and claiming the lives of women at a rate second only to lung cancer. As women battle for their lives on a daily basis, a fundamental movement to educate the women of the world continues to rise. 

     Breast cancer awareness campaign taught women that the recovery comes from early detection and proper treatment. In order to detect symptoms and find the effective treatment, women need to have access to up-to-date information and do regular check-up. Thus, breast cancer awareness should be evolved through campaigns.  

     Breast cancer awareness campaign included the education and empowerment of women and men worldwide as well as encourages them to act as advocates for their own care. The campaign has a comprehensive plan for focusing on the whole person and the many ways in which breast cancer and prevention can be approached.

     Awareness of education, literacy, and research are the first components of raising breast cancer awareness. There are many researches being done on a daily basis to find the permanent cure. In order for patients and families to feel connected to the process, they must be kept informed as to what advancements have been made. That’s why these awareness campaigns held.

     Today, there are a lot of reliable websites that provide a wealth of continually updated information included treatment options. In facts, the breast cancer awareness campaign works the same. The campaign makes sufferers and families aware of the places in which to find overall information of breast cancer. Prevention is a large part of awareness and part of the work of the campaign is to make people aware of the ways in which they can prevent breast cancer. This includes making people aware of up-to-date information regarding diet and exercise, as well as the effects of other lifestyle and environmental stressed on the possibility of getting this cancer.One of the most important aspects of the campaign is to remind the people that are engrossed in the fight that they are a part of a larger community where they can find support and camaraderie.

         Most importantly, breast cancer awareness campaign focuses on the importance of screening for early detection so that treatment options are immediately available to increase the chance of survival and ongoing health. Doctors recommend screenings from 35 years of age and up; more than 50% of diagnosed cases of breast cancer are found in women over the age of fifty. Such screenings include routine gynecological examinations, mammograms, breast ultrasound and, most importantly, breast self-examination. Spreading the message of screenings is especially important in low-income areas where women tend to avoid medical care because of the cost. Of course, breast cancer awareness campaign also includes knowing where to turn for treatment and what that treatment may represent. This is vitally important for people struggling to make choices regarding their health. 

     Breast cancer awareness campaign saves people's lives. It can be the bridge for people to get information. And for those who are faced with a frightening diagnosis and not sure where to turn, the information imparted through the awareness campaign can be a hope for them.

Examples of Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

      If you haven’t already gotten the memo, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This year marks Estée Lauder’s 20th anniversary of their awareness campaign. It was held on Wednesday, 31st October 2012, in Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur, including Marion Caunter and Deborah Henry, attended this black-tie event to show their support for the Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign.

     The Estée Lauder Companies is proud to announce the 20th Anniversary of its global Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign. The 2012 Campaign theme is Courage. Believe in a world without breast cancer. Know we’re here until it’s true. This year’s bold, empowering message highlights the Company’s 20 year commitment to defeating breast cancer through education and medical research and celebrates the life and legacy of BCA Campaign Founder and Pink Ribbon co-creator, Mrs. Evelyn H. Lauder.

     It was a night of celebration as well as a night of purpose. The Pink Ribbon Charity Ball, a fundraising event for the Estée Lauder Companies Malaysia in its annual Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign, raised a total of RM800,000, which will be donated to charity to help spread the word on breast health, give out free mammograms, as well as contribute to breast cancer research.

For more information, click  ELC Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2012 

     In conjunction with World Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Softlan, the number one fabric conditioner in Malaysia, has launched a charity campaign called "A Touch of Love. A Touch of Life."
It aims to help raise one million pledges and RM100,000 to promote awareness for the early detection of breast cancer. The campaign was introduced with a heart-warming video, a Facebook page and an increased contribution target to help spread the campaign message and urge public participation.

      Softlan creates an online page to make it easier for the public to make a pledge. This page provides useful information on breast health to educate women on the importance of early detection through self-examination of their breasts. 
To spread this message, Softlan also launched a video campaign on women's efforts to fight Breast Cancer. Their story revolves around the beliefs, expectations and challenges that could change their lives. Click for video.

There are 5 simple ways for the public to support this campaign:

For more information, click Softlan's Breast Cancer Campaign

      KAO Malaysia SdnBhd (KAO Malaysia) did their bit to help raise greater awareness among Malaysian women about the importance of breast cancer prevention. The month-long ‘Think Pink Love Life’ campaign was launched with the aim of raising funds to subsidise breast cancer treatments as well as educate women about breast cancer prevention. 

     As part of the campaign, KAO pledged to contribute 1% from its sales of selected pink packaging products under the Biore, Liese, Laurier and Magiclean brands to PRIDE Foundation (PRIDE).
Specially designed Breast Self-Examination (BSE) cards were also produced by KAO to teach women how to perform breast self-examination, the importance of early detection as well as early prevention of the disease. The cards were made available at all leading retail outlets nationwide as well as together with leading women’s magazines.

For more information, click Kao’s ‘Think Pink Love Life Campaign

     Besides, the Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia also create a website for the public to provide them more information on breast cancer, update them  about support programme and knowledge to guide them on how to perform own Breast Self-Examination.  

     The aim of this campaign has been achieved because the awareness of the people towards breast cancer had increased and the stigma of breast cancer had reduced. Most of the people choose to get prevention and earlier detection of breast cancer instead of hiding away from the society.

     This figure shows that female breast cancer mortality rates have decreased in the UK since the early 1970s. European AS mortality rates were around 39% lower in 2008-2010 than in 1984-1986 when rates peaked.

     The reduction in female breast cancer mortality rates is likely to have several different causes including improved detection through screening, increasing specialization of care, and better access to more effective treatments such as improved surgical techniques, targeted use of radiotherapy and use of adjuvant therapies including the widespread adoption of tamoxifen.

References (2007).Types of PR campaigns--means of raising product sales. Retrieved from

Cancer Research UK. (2009). Breast cancer mortality statistics.Retrieved from

Random A History of Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

Medical News Today. (2013). What Is Breast Cancer? What Causes Breast Cancer? Retrieved from

Streetdirectory. (2013).Saving LivesThrough Breast Cancer Awareness. Retrieved from