PR Interview: Ann Tan @ Ivory Properties Group Bhd
Saturday 6 July 2013
Ivory Properties Group Berhad

Front view of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

Front view of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

Lobby of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

  Lobby of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

  Lobby of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

Exhibition of the latest project

Exhibition of the latest project

Slogan of Ivory Properties Group Berhad

Ivory Properties Group Berhad is a premier public listed property development group in Northern Malaysia with an outstanding and enviable track-record.

All their projects are completed with their signature focus on bold innovative designs, fresh lifestyle concepts, quality craftsmanship & workmanship, timely delivery and superior customer service.

They have carved a strong niche and reputation in successfully reviving abandoned as well as hard-to-execute projects. Their vertically integrated range of in-house expertise includes architecture, engineering, construction, interior design and sales & marketing. This vertical integration enables them to control the construction process to ensure timely and quality delivery.
Their passion and dedication to the property industry has won them a loyal following among discerning property purchasers throughout the world apart from numerous industry awards.
 For more information, click Ivory Properties Group Berhad
Ivory Properties Group Berhad
Birch House, 75, Janal Dato Keramat, 10150 George Town, Penang, Malaysia. 
(T) 604-2108000
(F) 604-2270000 / 2277888

Corporate Communications Department 
 Department Chart
Our Corporate Communications Department consists of 5 people. There are a manager, three executives and one assistant.

One of the executive is more into entertainment side because our boss has entertainment business in Penang Time Square such as Soju Room and clubs in Kuala Lumpur. He needs corporate communication department to assist him. Another one is more on English write-up while the other two have to take turn to take care more on Chinese write-up because sometimes they have to translate press release from English to Chinese.

We also assists those shop renter in Penang Time Square to deal with their flyers, press releases and press invite. In addition, we also assists Marketing Department to come out with materials such as flyer, marketing kits and brochures.

Our Interviewee 
Ms. Ann Tan
Corporate Communication Manager

 Ann's Business Card

Interview in Progress

Q1: Tell me more about yourself?

Last time I was majoring in Broadcasting in Han Chiang College. Before that, actually I want to study broadcast journalism but the colleges in Penang do not offer any. That time only KL has this course but due to my family commitment, I cannot leave Penang. During my three month of internship, I went to NTV7. Then I found out that I do not like the lifestyle in KL. 

After I finished my Diploma, Bernama TV approached me for a part time journalist. I've been working in Bernama TV for a few months then The Star approached me for stringer too. I worked as stringer for these two companies at the same time. I had transfer from broadcasting to journalism.

After a period of time I wanted to continue with Degree in UK but the fees too expensive. My family cannot afford it so I planned to go for KL but the fee is unaffordable as well. That time USQ was the first time want to try on distance studies in Han Chiang College. It provided courses on media production and journalism but the condition is we need at least 3 students to set up the class. Fortunately there were another two student wanted to enroll for this course. We were having our classes at night. Throughout this course, we had face a lot of problems such as there were no textbooks and course outline provided. We have to figure out what should we do for the assignment by ourselves then submit to Australia. We have a part time tutor from USM but he also not really sure about the requirement of Australia. As I know, we were the first and also the last batch for this course because it can't really works.

At the same time The Star offer me a with a full time journalist job. I accepted their offer because that time I only have classes at night. Then I've been working at The Star for three years. After three years, Ivory Properties offer a Public Relations position then I decided to transfer from a journalist to a Public Relations. It's been two years and two months I work in Corporate Communications Department. I was straight away been promoted to Corporate Communications Manager when I come to Ivory Properties Group Bhd.

Now, what I can say is I miss the time  I worked as a journalist more than a Corporate Communications Manager. The reason I transfer to Corporate Communications is because I wanted to try on new challenges. In addition, journalists do not have a fixed working schedule and they have to work on weekends as well. They have to work at night if there are any accident happened and my family will be more worried on that. That is why I decided to transfer here to have a more stable working hours and working environment. Before that I had never take any PR courses.
Q2: What are your responsibilities / functions as a Corporate Communications Manager?

My responsibility is to oversee the whole Corporate Communications department and all the things that have to do with communication. We have two newsletters. One is for investors which will published twice a year and the other one is only for the employees here which will publish twice a month. We have to deal with all the production and printing stuff. About 80 copies of newsletter will be provided for the employees. Not all the employees will get one but only one or two copies for each department. The content of the newsletter are more about the happening in Penang Times Square and we also provide a column for them to write in anonymously to complaint and voice out their dissatisfaction. There are also news like who just got married, who just gave birth, new employees and who just resigned provided in the newsletter.

We also have to produce those marketing collateral such as flyer, advertisement and website. Moreover, we also have to deal with complains, press members, send out press invite and press statement.

Q3: Have you ever faced any crisis / issue (s) along your employment here? If yes, could you please share your experience how you manage to solve the crisis / issue(s)?
Yes. I'm not sure whether you all got notice that last time there were an issue at Mount Erskine there. That project is under our company. The issue is mainly about the building structure because it is built on the hillside and they claim that it is too tall. Moreover, due to some political issue, there were also a lot of problem arises at the same time. When public are highly concerns about these issues, mass media will started to ask us a lot of question regarding this issue. We have to hold press conference, issue press statement to clear up this issue immediately. It is good to see any good news about our company appeared on mass media but is there is any negative news, we have to come out with solutions immediately to solve the problem that arise.

As a Corporate Communications Manager, I might be very free sometimes but at the end of the year, I have to sacrifice a lot of things such as Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. I cannot celebrate these celebrations with my friends and family because most of the time I have to help out with the events that were organized by our company. On weekends, if there are any emergency issues happened such as the issue at Mount Erskine, I have come back to company immediately to solve the problems.

Q4: What are the THREE positive values that can be describe about you?
- Committed and responsible.
 - Just and fair toward my colleagues
I will not give them a better appraisal just because they are my friends or they are good with me. At the same time, if they are having any conflict with me or I dislike him or her, I will still give them appraisal based on their performance.
 - Do not get involved in people's gossip.

Q5: How would you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In term of studies, as I just completed my Master in Business Admin (MBA) in USM, I think I need to have some time to relax first then only decide whether to further my studies.

In terms of career, I wish to try out something new, maybe something more into Corporate Affair, getting involve more into company's decisions making or something that are more related to company's structure.

The End :)